PRO Guide for Dishonored 2 is a comprehensive collection of tips concerning completing the game in 100%.
It has been prepared mainly for people new to the game, but tips for more advanced players are included as well. The guide has been divided into several chapters describing the walkthrough, exploration and combat tips, and locations of collectibles.
The first couple of chapters describe how to start the game - a rather large collection of advice concerning exploration, skills, and general mechanics. Here you can find pieces of information related to your character, combat, skills, and currency. Following chapters are the core of the guide - an illustrated walkthrough for all missions. It contains the description of completing tasks in the game and differences between using stealth and open combat.
Dishonored 2 game guide contains:
Description of game mechanics;
Description of skills of protagonists;
Detailed walkthrough along with useful tips;
Description of targets and ways of eliminating them;
List of all collectibles;
Technical details, along with PC system requirements.
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